My Account allows you to keep all of your settings up to date for the MoxiWorks platform to work for you. MoxiWorks links to your listing data so you can create CMA presentations, Promote your Listings, Track your Goals, and display your successes on your MoxiWebsite. See below how to manage your MLS Associations with MoxiWorks to make sure all of your memberships are represented.
Included in this article are:
Add Additional MLS Associations
NOTE: If you are not able to manage your MLS Associations as shown below, please see: Why Can't I Add My MLS Association?
Go to your Account by selecting your headshot, or icon, in the upper right corner
Then, select My Account
Add an MLS Association
To add a new MLS Association:
1. Select MLS from the left side menu
2. Select Connect An MLS
3. Select the MLS you wish to link from the list
NOTE: If the list of available MLS's is long, you can use the search box to locate the one you want to link.
4. Select Continue
5. Add your agent MLS Agent ID and then select Connect MLS
You will see a note that your MLS was successfully added.
Add Additional MLS Associations
To add additional MLS Associations follow the same steps as above in the Add an MLS Association section.
Primary MLS Association
The first MLS Association you link to your account is set as your Primary MLS Association by default. The Primary MLS Association will be used as your default data when creating presentations and is the only data source when using MoxiTalent. You can update this after you connect additional MLS Associations to your account.
To change which MLS Association is designated as your Primary, select the three dots menu on the right-hand side.
Then select Make Primary