Here are some common reasons why a listing may not appear when executing a search in Present.
- The listing is not appearing due to being filtered out. You may want to expand the filters as shown here: Search Screen Overview. Remember that the map also acts as a filter. If the map is zoomed in or has a defined boundary, if the listing in question is outside of those parameters, then the listing will not appear in the search results.
- The listing is a commercial listing. MoxiPresent will only display residential listings. If the listing is a commercial listing, you will need to include it as a custom listing as shown here: Creating Custom Listings
- The listing is on one MLS but the presentation was created to pull listings from another MLS. You can check the presentation listing source (the MLS that is linked to the presentation) on the Present homepage by looking at the presentation in question and noting the listing source in the bottom left corner as indicated in the screenshot:
Note that per MLS rule most MLSs do not allow listings from one MLS to be included on a presentation created under a different listing source, even if there is a data share available in the MLS itself. Once a presentation is created under one listing source, it cannot be changed to another listing source. If you realize that you have the incorrect listing source for a presentation, you will need to create a new presentation with the correct listing source.
- The listing is very old. The age of listings available in Present will vary by MLS, but if you are unable to find a listing that is a few years old, MoxiPresent may not have access to it due to its age.
- We need to refresh the listing feed for the listing in question. This can sometimes bring the listing in, but is not a guarantee. This can be requested here: Resweep Request Form