Synced Campaigns
Brokerages, Regions, or Offices keep your campaigns up to date with fresh emails and new content. Campaigns remain synced to their original content as long as you do not change the send date of an email, or add/remove an email from the campaign. To confirm if your campaign is still connected, look for the synced icon next to the campaign name and the word synced underneath the campaign name (see below).
NOTE: A warning appears before completing any action that may break the sync with the original campaign.
NOTE: If your campaign is no longer synced, simply re-add the campaign from the library to view any new content.
Synced Emails
Similar to campaigns, emails remain synced to their original content as long as there are no edits made to the email. To confirm if your email is still connected, look for the synced icon next to the email name (see below).
NOTE: A warning appears before completing any action that may break the sync with the original campaign.
NOTE: If your campaign is no longer synced, simply re-add the campaign from the library to view any new content.
For more information on synced emails and campaigns, please refer to the latter half of this article: Campaigns Overview