There are more ways to buy and sell a home than ever before, such as buy before you sell, bridge loans, instant sales, cash offers, and more. It's clear these new options are here to stay. That's where the Brokerage Offers page comes in!
The Brokerage Offers page empowers brokerages and agents to leverage these new solutions with their clients, while keeping them at the center of the transaction. We've combined market-specific data and proprietary technology into one streamlined, easy-to-use platform.
Notes: Not all brokerages have the The Brokerage Offers page available in their MoxiPresent. Your brokerage may also require a certification in online buying to be able to access the Brokerage Offers page. If you would like to integrate the Brokerage Offers page into your brokerage's Moxi account or determine whether or not certification is required, please communicate this request to your brokerage leadership.
The Brokerage Offers page can be added individually to your MoxiPresent presentations and templates. Start using them today to show your clients a wealth of information regarding potential online buying options.
Click on one of the links below to go directly to information you are looking for:
Adding a Brokerage Offers Page to Your MoxiPresent Presentation
Brokerage Offers Page Presentation Configurations and Online Offer Requests
Adding a Brokerage Offers Page to Your MoxiPresent Presentation
The Brokerage Offers page can be added to your MoxiPresent presentations by simply adding a page from the page library.
Follow the instructions below on how to add the Brokerage Offers page to your MoxiPresent presentation:
Create your MoxiPresent presentation as you normally would.
From the Pages Screen, click the Add Page button.
Click Add from Library.
Click Partner Pages.
Click the Brokerage Offers (This will have your actual Brokerages name in it. Here it is displayed as MoxiWorks Offers).
Click the Add button.
Brokerage Offers Page Presentation Configurations and Online Offer Requests
After adding the Brokerage Offers page to your presentation you may customize it more, as well as request real online offers from Zavvie.
Follow the instructions below on how to configure your Brokerage Offers page or request Zavvie online offers:
Click the pencil icon next to the Brokerage Offers page (This will have your actual Brokerages name in it. Here it is displayed as MoxiWorks Offers).
Change any desired inputs, or to request online offers from Zavvie certify you are authorized by clicking the Are you authorized to represent this client? checkbox, then the Get Offers button.
If you have requested to receive online offers from Zavvie you will receive an email similar to the one below.