What are 1099 Reports
1099 Reports are based on cash. All reporting, your reports, and reports made by the agent are a function of when the agent was paid. When the agent was paid can vary from when a deal closed.
Remember that a report like the 1099 Closed Deals Breakdown (Cash) (which is based on when the agent was paid) might vary from the Agent Transaction Details (Closed Date) report (which is based on when the deal was closed).
Reports can be sent with the Email Report button. You can send it to one or more of the agents within an office.
The Most Popular Reports
The two most popular 1099 reports are 1099 Closed Deals (Cash) and 1099 Closed Deals Breakdown (Cash).
1099 Closed Deals (Cash)
To create a 1099 Closed Deals (Cash) report choose an agent, put in the start date as the first day/month of the year, put in the end date as the last day/month of the year, and click Launch Report. You receive a very simplified version of the report. Gives the agent their gross, payments they made, deductions, and their net. This report is printer-friendly.
1099 Closed Deals Breakdown (Cash)
Most people use this report version. To create a 1099 Closed Deals Breakdown (Cash) report choose an agent, put in the start date as the first day/month of the year, put in the end date as the last day/month of the year, and click Launch Report. You receive a detailed report. Gives the agent their gross, payments they made, deductions, and their net, but the information is broken down into more detail. Excel is the suggested format for sharing this report.
Agent Net Income (Cash)
Designed to show the agent a holistic view of their expenses to the brokerage. Select the agent, put in the start for your time frame, put in the end for your time frame, and click Launch Report. The report summarizes the agent's gross commission, any deductions, any invoices, and any office payments. Agents should validate the numbers, but brokerages can provide this report as a courtesy.
Agent Invoice Summary (Cash)
This report shows specifically what was paid in invoices. Select the agent, put in the start for your time frame, put in the end for your time frame, and click Launch Report. This report only shows the invoice summary (how much the agent has paid the brokerage).