You can enroll an Agent in Checkbook by putting their bank information in rather than having the agent self-enroll. If this is the first time you are setting up an agent you need to check with Support to make sure that your Checkbook account is enabled to allow you to set up the agent because it is not enabled by default. The feature is called Marketplace.
To enroll an agent for payment via Checkbook at the office level:
- Select Agents from the dropdown menu at the top of the page.
- Find the agent that you want to enroll.
- Click Contact Info from the menu on the left side of the page.
- Press the Edit button below the User Contact Info.
- Click the Login link next to Checkbook Account at the bottom of the edit page. You are prompted to login to Checkbook in a pop-up window.
- Choose Setup Account next to Checkbook Account at the bottom of the edit page. If the agent’s account is already set up, you will not see this option.
- Enter the agent’s Account Number and Routing Number.
- Click Setup User to save.