Editing Account Information
If you are in the United States with Century 21, Better Homes and Gardens, Corcoran, ERA, or Sotheby's International Realty, you are with Anywhere and your profile information cannot be changed directly in your Moxi account and is provided through a feed. Therefore, agents will not be able to edit their profile with the pencil icon or see a dropdown to select an MLS association (as pictured below).
MoxiWorks Customer Support does not have any access or visibility to these external brokerage or franchise data feeds and are unable to assist with these changes.
To update your Profile and/or MLS information, check with your office admin or contact Anywhere at support@anywhere.re for assistance.
Once the Profile and/or MLS information is updated in the external brokerage or franchise data feed, it syncs to your MoxiWorks account within 24 hours.
As a friendly reminder, profile information includes:
- First name
- Last name
- Designations
- Languages spoken
- License number
- Phone numbers
- Bio
- Website URL (note: this refers to the actual website URL that appears on your profile, not the domain redirect process)
- MLS ID and Association
Assigning a Primary MLS
While MoxiWorks is not able to update your MLS associations, we are able to adjust which is your primary MLS. This can assist with your MoxiPresent presentations and with recruiting using MoxiTalent. Contact MoxiWorks support and request to assign one of your MLS associations as primary.
Please note that this change may be temporary and may revert back with the Anywhere data feed to MoxiWorks. If that happens, please submit a new ticket to MoxiWorks in order to have the primary MLS be changed again.