Text and photos from a listing on your Listings page are used to automatically populate a design template which has been enabled for Listing Data. To create a project from a listing:
- Click on Designs in the main menu at the top of the page.
- Scroll down, about halfway down the page. Near the right side of the page, click on Show All.
- Click on the small images (thumbnails) to preview the designs.
- Choose a template and clicking the Select This Design button, fill in the Project Name, add a description (optional) and select a Project folder.
- Below the project folder field, you see a field labeled This design allows listing photos and text to be imported. Import Photos and Text from listing. Click the menu below, and select the listing from the list, then click Save and Continue.
The information from your listing populates in your project. Follow the onscreen instructions to review the text, photos, and project preview before completing your project.
Note: These instructions apply only for accounts that have access to the Listings tab, and/or have listing information imported from other sites.
Note: There is no limit the the number of projects that you can create.