When making a purchase, your payment options are:
- Use a credit card or debit card that you have used for a previous purchase.
- Use funds from your existing account balance (as long as the balance is high enough to cover your purchase).
- Enter a new credit card or debit card to use.
Click the dot to the left of a payment option to select it.
Make your selection then click the Purchase button to complete your purchase. If your purchase is successful, a receipt will be displayed (you may print it if you want).
Existing cards:
- These are cards you have used in the past to open your account and/or purchase upgrades.
- Expired cards are not displayed.
- Click on the trashcan icon to remove the card from the list. Note: Deleting a card could prevent your account, or year-length upgrade, from being automatically renewed causing an interruption in service.
Account Balance
- This is your current account balance. You would have added these funds to your account to be used for premium email, email campaigns, and/or print-to-mail campaigns, as described here.
- If you select this option for payment, the total due will be subtracted from your current account balance.
- This option will not be displayed if you have no account balance, or if your current account balance is below the total amount due for this purchase.
Add New Credit Card:
- Selecting this option will display a form for entering your credit card information.
- Uncheck the box labeled Remember this credit card to prevent your card from being displayed as an option during future purchases. Note: Not allowing the card to be remembered will prevent your purchase from being automatically renewed, which could cause an interruption in service.