These instructions assume you already requested impersonation be set up for your office account and that we replied to confirm that the feature is enabled. These instructions also assume that your account is the account that was enabled to impersonate accounts within your office.
- Click on your name in the upper-right corner of the page after logging in to the Marketing Center.
- Select Impersonation in the resulting menu:
- Locate the row for the agent whose account you wish to impersonate, and click on Impersonate in the right column:
Note: This option will only be displayed for accounts of agents who have enabled Impersonation in their account.
You are now logged in as that agent. You can create and edit projects in their portfolio, use the project distribution features on existing projects, and make any other changes as if it were your own account.
For more help finding the person you wish to impersonate: Impersonation Search
When you finish and want to return to your own account:
- Click on the name of the person you are impersonating (near the upper-right of any page)
- Click Unimpersonate.
- You are now logged in to your own account again. Repeat the steps above to impersonate another agent.