The Project Count by Ref Code Prefix report shows how many projects were created by accounts within specific Ref Codes that start with the string of characters you provide, within the specified time period. This report is useful for reports for a region with ref codes that all start with the same string of characters.
To run the Project Count by Ref Code Prefix report:
- Click Projects in the left column:
- Select the start date with Date From and end date with Date To for your report:
- Enter a string of characters that multiple ref codes start with. (E.g. Enter "IMP" for all Ref codes that start with "IMP")
- Change the menu labeled Choose Report to Project Count by Ref Code Prefix
- Click the Generate Report button:
- Next you will see a dialog box asking you to specify the number of characters you entered in the Ref Codes Starting With field in step 3. Enter the number of characters, then click the Confirm button:
The results of your report will be displayed on screen:
Export these results to a CSV file for viewing in a spreadsheet program, such as Excel, by clicking on CSV Export:
Alternatively, you can view a list of users within one of the included Ref Codes, who have created projects during the specified period, by clicking on the single row in the report results: