Preferred File Type*
InDesign, include all packaged fonts and linked graphic assets
Additional Accepted File Types*
- Illustrator or EPS
- Photoshop
- *Include all packaged fonts and linked graphic assets
Common Sizes
- Facebook Post: 940×788 pX
- Facebook Cover Photo: 820×312 px
- Facebook Ad: 1200×628 px
- Instagram Post: 1080×1080 px
- Twitter: 1024×512
Design Notes
- RGB required
- Vector art paths
- Embedded PNG or JPG artwork
- Leading
- Text flow from one box to another
- Adjustable font sizes: You provide us the minimum and maximum font size; this allows the user to place more or less text into a text box and will adjust as needed.
Not Supported in Variable Text:
- Kerning
- Drop caps, small caps, underline, sub and superscript
- Anchored objects
- Character and paragraph styles
- Traditional bullets: We typically receive copy in a paragraph style via feeds; however, agents can use a ‘middle dot’ as a bullet when typing their own copy.
- Uniquely formatted text within a single field.
Example: This is a great house!
Facebook Requirements
- Images with less than 20% text reach a broader audience when boosted, see “Can Boost” graphic. The graphic that is shown has minimal text on it, the primary information is placed in the body copy of the post. The “Cannot Boost” graphic has too much text and Facebook will deny your boosted ad. For more information, click here.
- Have a graphic already? You can click here to check how much text is in your ad image.
“To request a custom design, please fill out the Creative Intake Form.”