Buyer Presentations allow you to help your customer determine an appropriate offer for either a specific property or an area. Locate comparables, define the market, and use the built-in Closing Costs sheets to help your customer know what offer amount would be appropriate.
The Buyer Subject Property Screen is where you can add either the listing number for the property your customer is interested in making an offer on or the area in which they are interested.
Buyer Subject Property Screen Overview
1. Presentation Information: Shows Presentation Name and Subject Property Address once added (see above).
2. Presentation Name: Title of your presentation (see above).
3. Contacts: Connected contacts in MoxiEngage. A notation will be made in the client's Activity record in Engage that a presentation was created for the client.
4. Listing MLS #: Use an MLS number to pull data for your Subject Property directly from your MLS (see above).
5. Location or Zip Code: If you don’t have an MLS number, search for your Subject Property by location or Zip Code (see above).
6. Subject Property Photo: This image will pull from the MLS, or you can upload your own using the Browse option (see above).
7. Remarks: Remarks will pull from the MLS, but you can also add or edit them here if needed (see above).
8. INRIX Drive Time: Adding your client's starting location will allow the INRIX Drive Time TM chart to display within the listing details view for each individual search result and listing (see above).
9. Contact: Allows you to email our Support Team (see above).
10 Help: Links to the MoxiWorks Help Center where you can search for help articles and training just like this one. You can also contact support directly (see above).