Keeping track of your contacts in MoxiEngage is now easier than ever! Use filters to find just the clients you want to communicate with.
A new feature in filtering is the ability to include or exclude pieces of client information. Find people who have home addresses to send postcards. Filter your list to only those people who have phone numbers so you can better focus your time to call your sphere. Or, find people in a specific group that also have email addresses so you can sign them up for an email campaign. Filtering lets you focus your efforts when working with your sphere and helps you use your time more efficiently.
Filtering Your Contacts
Filters narrow the view of your people by filtering for what criteria is included in your contact’s record. You can filter by what is not included in a record by choosing to exclude certain criteria, allowing you to create a targeted search.
Select the Filter button to reveal the Filter options.
You have the option to Enable or Disable any selection criteria by toggling the slider switch.
- Groups: Filter by including and excluding the groups where you have placed your contacts.
Depending on your email client, there may be default groups already.
- Contact Info: Filter by including or excluding the information you have placed into the contact record.
- Campaigns: Filter by including or excluding if the client has been subscribed to Campaigns created by MoxiWorks, your brokerage, or your brand.
- Clients: Filter by including or excluding how you have classified your clients in Engage.
- New: People newly added to your sphere.
- Uncategorized: People who have been added to Engage but have not been categorized yet.
- Buyers: People classified as Buyers in the Sales Flow.
- Sellers: People classified as Sellers in the Sales Flow.
- Past buyers: People who you have worked with as Buyers in the past.
- Past sellers: People who you have worked with as Sellers in the past.
- Sales Flow: Filter by selecting where in the sales flow you have placed the client. Each Sales Flow zone is a milestone for an individual client’s progress toward a successful transaction.
- Marketing: Every person represents a prospective transaction. Marketing is populated with people you want to target with the goal of persuading them to work with you.
- Prospect: Move people into the Prospect zone if they expressed interest in working with you, and their prospective transaction could develop within the next 12 months.
- Active: When a person with a prospective transaction agrees to have you represent them, move them to Active.
- Pending: People are moved to Pending when they have a pending transaction, having reached and accepted a mutual offer on a home, and are moving toward closing.
- Insights: MoxiInsights provides public records information of your contacts in MoxiEngage. This subscription feature provides meaningful data on the people in your database directly in Engage. Filter by selecting what intelligence MoxiInsights has provided about your clients.
Not all customers use Insights, so this filter section might not be in the list.
- Non Clients: Non Clients are people in your MoxiEngage database who are not in your sales flow. Select which Non Clients type you wish to include in your filter.
- Collaborators: Vendors and professional contacts you excluded from the Sales Flow.
- Personal: Personal connections you excluded from the Sales Flow.
- Talent: MoxiTalent enables your brokerage’s recruiters to quickly and easily identify prospects to recruit into your brokerage. Select which recruiting status your contacts are in.
If you have been given permission to use MoxiTalent, you will see the filter for Talent.
- Evaluate: Understanding if the recruit would be a good fit for your brokerage and contribute to the brokerage’s success.
- Attract: Actively engaging with the recruit to bring them into your brokerage.
- Negotiate: Speaking with the candidate on commission, splits, and other matters prior to them agreeing to join your brokerage.
- Active Recruits: Candidates in any part of the recruiting pipeline who you have not discontinued from the process.
- Hired Recruits: Candidate who accepted your offer to join your brokerage.
When you have made your filtering choices, select the Apply button at the bottom of the Filters screen to confirm your choices and view the results in Engage.
Filtering contacts by status, subscriptions, group membership, and more!