When you upload your contacts to Engage, they will be Uncategorized. You will want to use the Categorize Wizard to organize these people in your database. However, if you have people that are already in your database you can organize them from your My People screen. They might be family and friends, or other agents and vendors you work with. You can remove these people from your Sales Flow and Marketing Plan while still being able to add them to groups and subscriptions by designating them as either a Collaborator or Personal contact.
NOTE: If this is the first time you are uploading your contacts, follow the instructions on Organizing Your Uncategorized Contacts.
Designate an Individual Person
1. From the person’s contact card, select Edit.
2. Scroll to the very bottom of the screen and select Collaborator or Personal.
3. Select Done at the top right.
Note: to uncategorize as collaborator or personal, deselect the box and then select done to save.
Designate Multiple People
1. From the My People screen, select all people you wish to designate using the checkbox next to their name.
2. Select Add To in the Command Bar.
3. Select Personal or Collaborator.
4. Confirm you would like to remove selected contacts from the Sales Flow by selecting Add.