Moxi Presentation Admin can be used to create new templates that can be used by any number of agents, offices or regions. It’s a great way to create and distribute marketing materials or other types of presentations that can be utilized easily by agents.
How to Create a Template
1. Select Presentation Admin from the account drop-down menu (see below).
2. Select Create New from the top right then choose Template (see below).
3. Add a Name and Folder for the template to be hosted in. Then select desired Presentation Types for the template (see below).
4. Set Permissions for who can use and see this template (see below). This can be changed later if needed.
5. Select Save as Draft or Publish to save your template (see below).
6. To add pages, select the Add Page button in the top right (see below).
7. From the page folders, choose which pages you would like to include and select Add To Template to include them in the template. If you accidentally select a page you don't want to include, simply select Added and it will remove the page. Select Close when finished (see below).
8. Make any page adjustments needed using the Settings Icon (see below).
9. Select Preview to see how the template will look for agents (see below).
10. To adjust branding options, select the Three Dots and choose Branding (see below).
11. To change any permissions or adjust the template types, select the Three Dots and choose Settings (see below).
12. Once you have created your template, select the Three Dots and choose Publish (see below). Agents will now be able to see the template in their accounts.
13. Share if needed by choosing the Three Dots and selecting Share (see below).