You can create listings that are not on the MLS. This will let you create Pre-Listings for listings that have not been posted on the MLS yet, or you can create a Non-MLS listing for listings that won’t go on the MLS such as pocket listings.
Add an Unpublished Listing
- From your profile page, select My Listing (see red arrow below).
- Select Unpublished Listing (see blue arrow below).
Add a Pre-listing
- Select the Add Pre-Listing button (Circled below).
- Then select Next (See below).
- Choose an MLS and Add an MLS number (Circled below).
- Select Add (See below)
Edit a Pre-listing
- Select the Pre-listing (See below)
- Select Edit Listing (See below)
- Modify the MLS or MLS Number (Circled below)
- Select Save (See below)
Adding a Non-MLS Listing
1. From your profile page, select My Listing (see red arrow below).
2. Select Unpublished Listing (see blue arrow below).
3. Select the Non-MLS button and then, select Next:
4. Fill out the info for the listing:
5. Click “create” in the top-right corner to create the non-MLS listing.
6. Click the film roll icon to add photos to the listing.
7. Select from the photo gallery options.
8. Once your images are uploaded in the order that you prefer, click the “publish” button.
9. In the pop-up window, click “yes, publish.”
10. On the left-hand side of the screen, click “back to listing.”
Then, you’ll land on the listing details page where you can review the complete, published listing: