The Website Admin Tool (see below) is your control panel where every aspect of your agent website can be configured. With the Website Admin Tool, you can change your website’s appearance, work with pages, create blog posts, and manage property lists, as well as configure all the settings for your website.
On every screen of the Admin Tool, you will see the following features:
ADMIN BAR: The bar across the top, with quick access to some common functions.
- VISIT SITE: You can view the public view of your website. This shortcut will change to read Admin Home when viewing your public site and will bring you back to the Admin Tool.
- + NEW: Add a new Page, Blog Post, or Media.
- COMMENT BUBBLE: Approve comments on your Blog Posts.
- APPEARANCE: Customize your site’s style.
- HOME PAGE: Change content on your site's Home Page.
SEARCH ENGINES BLOCKED: Change settings allowing search engines to index (which allows visitors to search for your website) your website.
- NOTE: The Admin Bar also appears for you on your public-facing pages when you are signed in. This provides an easy way to get back to the Admin Tool when you are viewing your site. Other users will not see this admin bar.
- VIEW SITE: The link in the top left corner, which allows you to go directly to your website to view the changes you've made.
ADMIN NAVIGATION MENU: The menu on the left-hand side, with access to all administrative functions.
- HELP: Links to different types of training.
- APPEARANCE: Drop-down menu that allows you to focus on the look of your site.
- HOME PAGE: Edit the modules that appear on your public view home page.
- SITE PAGES: Manage all of the pages on your website.
- IMAGES: Library for all of the images you add.
- PROPERTY LISTS: Create and manage multiple property list types, as well as create your own custom property lists.
- LINKS: Create and manage the links on your website.
- BLOG POSTS: Create and manage blog posts.
- COMMENTS: Manage all of your blog comments here, which includes: approving, replying, and even editing them.
- ABOUT ME: Add or edit your personal contact information.
- SETTINGS: Allows you to control settings for your website.
- MY TEAM: Add a team member.
- COLLAPSE MENU: Clicking on this button will hide the Admin Navigation Menu.