Once you've selected your comps, you will want to sort and edit those comps! Add custom comps, adjustments, or your own remarks to the listings.
Comps Screen Overview
- SUBJECT PROPERTY: Your subject property details are at the top of the screen for reference when adjusting your comparables.
- COMP SORT: Choose your sort order, from High to Low, Low to High, Distance from subject property, or select a custom sort order for your comparables.
- COMPARABLE PROPERTY DETAILS: Find all details regarding selected comparables
- COMP DETAIL: Review additional listing details for the comparable property.
- EDIT REMARKS: Edit and add your own remarks to the agent remarks for the comp.
- COPY TO CUSTOM COMP: Create a duplicate of your comparable to make edits to the listing information.
- REPLACE WITH CUSTOM COMP: This will make the current comp a custom comparable.
- NOTE: The connection to the MLS is broken when creating a custom comparable.
- PRICE ADJUSTMENT: Add adjustments to the comparable property by clicking the Add Adjustment button.
- NOTE: The connection to the MLS is broken when creating a custom comparable.
- ADD CUSTOM COMP: Create custom comparables to add For Sale by Owner properties, new construction, unlisted properties, or properties listed in another MLS.
- NOTE: Custom comparables are not connected to the MLS. Therefore, data will NOT automatically update.
- VIEW COMPS ON MAP: View your selected comparables on a map.
- REMOVE ALL: Remove all current comparables.
- COMP LISTINGS SUMMARY: View all of your comparables by the numbers and their averages grouped by status.
- PRESENTATION STATUS ORDER: Use the edit button to choose the status order you would like to present to your clients on presentation pages (see below).